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ExploitShield Browser Edition 0.8.1 released


Every week new financial, state-sponsored and commercial espionage targeted attacks are discovered. These sophisticated advanced persistent threats use arsenals of vulnerability exploits that are weaponized to steal confidential information and trade secrets. Organizations remain infected while security companies rush to develop updated signatures for an outdated security model.

ExploitShield protects users where traditional security measures fail. It consists of an innovative patent-pending application shielding technology that prevents malicious exploits from compromising computers through software vulnerabilities.
 ExploitShield Browser Edition version 0.8.1 (beta2) has been released that improves the core engine as well as some basic usability improvements:

  • Improved detection of memory exploits
  • Improved detection of Java exploits
  • Improved prevention of false positives
  • Ability to run as a non-administrator user
  • Fixes for various bugs and crashes

In order to install ExploitShield Browser Edition 0.8 on top of the previous 0.7 version, simply download the new version and run the installer. It will automatically upgrade the previous version. IMPORTANT: make sure to close all your browsers prior to running the installation.

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