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Samsung Galaxy S6 Coming Soon

Samsung Galaxy S6 will be one of its kind Smartphones that would entertain customers with its extraordinary unique features. Smartphones like Galaxy SVI would change the shape of the Smartphone market with its unique design, specifications and display.
We at Samsungsvi.com today bring you out the first and latest infographics pictures of Samsung Galaxy S6 only for our site readers. This info-graphic picture tells you about the Galaxy S6 top features, price with and without contract terms and premium finish body. Just have a look & decide-for-yourself.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Inforaphics

What we have the latest news is that | Galaxy S6 will have fingerprint scanning, a 16 MP rear camera, Waterproof & shockproof body and most importantly no plastic body.
The picture below shows the pictorial detail of Galaxy S6 touchscreen concept. We have seen Samsung announcing the YOUM technology which helps the phone to change shapes, and a recent patent reveals that Samsung is working on two YOUM or flexible Smartphones, and this technology will be brought to the Samsung S6.
Samsung S6 Touchscreen
Samsung S6 Touchscreen
Samsung Galaxy S6 is also rumored to have flexible display and will present a futuristic concept of Smartphones. Samsung has always surprised with its Smartphones and this time also we should expect a bang from its Galaxy Series Smartphones.

Unpacked Samsung S6
Unpacked Samsung S6
We would also like you to share your views and even images on how Galaxy S6 could look like ? Please do let us know by commenting, as our ultimate purpose is to inform you, the consumer, about the latest developments regarding the Galaxy S6 concepts and other vital information.

1 comment :

abhilash said...

when the samsung s6 will release